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The Historical item displays a very fine article on Frank Devlin. This appeared in The Badminton Gazette in 1931. It gives a clear picture of the character of the man. Of course the article precedes Devlin’s extraordinary career as a Coach in many areas of the world such as Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand and the Far East.

The Gallery item displays an image of Jim Wallace together with a note on his huge contribution to Badminton in the North West.

We are indebted to Bob Colhoun who has donated a copy of “Alpha Badminton Club – The Story So Far”. This gives a huge amount of information on the club spanning the period 1933 to 2018.This will be of considerable benefit to the Museum in extending its information on Ulster Badminton

Dick O’Rafferty


This Edition: 1st Of March 2020 | Next Edition 1st Of April 2020
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