Welcome to the July 2019 uploads
The Historical item displays a number of tickets for various events. The venues are interesting and in time we will do some research on these venues. All these items were kindly donated by Frank Peard.
The Gallery item displays a Strollers team that played in France in 1933. The Strollers, led by Major McCallum, are credited with developing the game in Denmark and apart from Denmark they also gave exhibitions around Ireland and also in France and England. We are are grateful to our friends in Badminton Memoire for passing this on to us.
The Irish Badminton Union (now Badminton Ireland) was founded 120 years ago. We were pleased to be of assistance to Badminton Ireland in presenting items from random years. These items will appear on their website at regular intervals from early July.
We were also very pleased to receive a significant number of very interesting items from Conor Doyle son of great Irish International player Chick Doyle. These items will greatly increase our knowledge of the period spanned by Chick’s career.
We are always pleased to receive memorabilia by donation or on loan. Please use our website to make contact.
Dick O’Rafferty