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The Historical Section shows a Press report from February 1969 giving reports on three important Tournaments. It is of interest that the Irish Close Championships were televised for the first time. The results from the Co. Louth Open highlight the prestige of this Tournament with a big list of International players competing in the finals.
The Gallery Item displays an image of an Irish Selected team that played Sweden in 1954. Colin Maidment who acted as non-playing captain of the team was a great servant to Irish Badminton. At the time of this match he was President of the Midland Branch and Honorary Secretary of the Badminton Union of Ireland. Sadly, he passed away in the following year.
Whilst the amount of material donated to the Museum is increasing all the time, we would be keen to get more information and reports and photographs of the game at club level. Please make contact through the website if you would like to help in this regard.
Dick O’Rafferty