Welcome to the 120th upload to our website
Just a couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of showing Tosiaki Nagatani around the Museum displays. He had been visiting Dublin as he was giving a talk at a 4-day Conference on Sports Medicine. He showed an awareness of aspects of Irish Badminton – particularly Frank Devlin and Curly Mack and The Strollers. He indicated that Table Badminton is popular in Japan. Next month we will be welcoming three visitors from the Japanese Badminton Association to research the culture of Badminton in Europe.
On of the most successful Badminton Leagues in the country is the South West Leinster Badminton League. Last year the League celebrated the 70th. Anniversary of its foundation. Last week on Facebook they showed an interesting video that they had produced to mark the occasion. I am pleased to say that through the help of Leslie Cobbe the Museum has received copies of some very interesting material.
The Historical Item displays a letter from the Badminton Union of Ireland dated October 1939 setting out arrangements to be made while the war continues. It is good to know that despite the obvious difficulties most activities were able to continue.
The Gallery Item displays a photograph of the 1948 Carlow Y.M.C.A. that won the Senior division of the South West Leinster Badminton League. Carlow has been a consistently strong area all over the years
For a couple of reasons, the next upload may appear a little later than normal and we apologise for this.
Dick O’Rafferty