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The Historical Item shows full results of Midland Branch Minor Cup for 1938-39 season. Midland Branch was subsequently changed to Leinster Branch and the Minor Cup is organised by the Dublin and District Leagues and Cups Committee. Of the 23 Clubs that competed that season only two are still active. Dundrum Club has a very long history going back to prior to the formation of the Irish Badminton Union in 1899. It may not have been continuously active. Lucan has a long history going back to at least 1932. Records suggest that Ailesbury is the club with the longest unbroken period having been founded in 1903.

The Gallery Item shows the Munster Under 18 team that competed in the Interprovincial Series in Limerick. A number of the players represented Ireland at Under age level and Donie O’Halloran played at Senior International Level. Al. Bredin is now very involved in coaching.

We are keen to increase our records of Irish Badminton at all levels and welcome offers of material either by donation or loan

Dick O’Rafferty


This Edition: 1st Of March 2018 | Next Edition 1st Of April 2018
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