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The Historical item shows details of the 1925 Senior Interprovincial Match between Ulster and Leinster. It is interesting to note that this was the first such match played since 1914. It is understandable that there should be a break for the war years. However, it is interesting that there was a gap of 11 years in this series of matches.
The Gallery Item displays an image of Sue Peard nee Devlin and Judy Hashman nee Devlin being presented with the 2nd. of their 10 American Championships Ladies Doubles trophies. Sue is very supportive of the Museum Project and has been the source of much valuable information. We were delighted to recently receive on loan a shuttle tube for Devlin shuttles from Judy Hashman.
It is expected that there will be an official opening of the Museum in the very near future, when a suitable event take place in Baldoyle Centre. We would welcome loans or donations of Memorabilia to enhance our efforts at preserving of preserving the rich heritage of Irish Badminton.
Dick O’Rafferty