The purpose of the Badminton Museum of Ireland is to preserve the great heritage of Irish Badminton and to make the general badminton public aware of it.


The Historical item displays a Badminton Gazette article from 1973. Detailed results are given for the Irish Close Championships and the Ulster Open Championships. The similarity of results is an indication of the difficulty in getting overseas players to compete in the Ulster event at this troubled period. The Ulster Open has always been able to attract a number of well-known outside opposition. It is noted that the three court hall at Lisburn was not completely finished in time for the event. This has of course now been superseded by the addition of 12 extra courts some years ago. The Irish Close was somewhat of a triumph for Mary Bryan who won all three titles with a 10th. win in the Singles and a 9th. win in the Ladies Doubles with Yvonne Kelly

The Gallery Item displays an interesting photograph from 1939. It is of the combined Leinster and Munster players who competed in an Interprovincial Match. From looking at the names of International players competing it would seem to have been a Senior match. It has been some considerable time since Munster competed at this level.

The Museum Trustees are continuing with the Museum Project despite the lack of official support. They are considering various options but would obviously be keen that the project comes to fruition with a real museum instead of a virtual one. One anxiety is that valuable historical records will be lost and all followers are asked to make indications of interest through the website.

Dick O’Rafferty


This Edition: 1st Of March 2014 | Next Edition 1st Of April 2014
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