The purpose of the Badminton Museum of Ireland is to preserve the great heritage of Irish Badminton and to make the general badminton public aware of it.
Badminton Museum of Ireland accepts memorabilia either on loan or by donation and has permission to display these items on our website. This permission does not automatically extend to other parties. The Museum is glad to display items of interest to the Badminton public and explicit permission must be obtained from Badminton Museum of Ireland for use by other parties. In general permission will be given but is subject to the wishes of those who donated or loaned items.
We are very interested to note that one of the stated priorities of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for 2013 is to carry out a feasibility study into setting up a Museum of Irish Sport. We have made contact with the Department and will be monitoring progress.
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of Eddie Choong the great Malayan player. He was a multiple All-England winner in the 1950s and Irish Badminton fans had the pleasure of seeing in action on a number of occasions.
The Historical Item recalls the opening of the McCallum Hall in Belfast. There were obviously high hopes that this would become a major venue for Badminton in Ireland. This applied for a number of seasons but unfortunately its location was in a sensitive area of the city and gradually the use of the hall diminished and eventually had to be sold.
The Gallery item displays players in a match between Knights Badminton Club and a Cork team. If anyone can identify the players who are unnamed we would be delighted to hear from them. Knights Badminton Club was organised by Leinster Senior players and contributed significantly in developing younger players.
We are glad to receive comments through the website and are interested in being made aware of interesting memorabilia being held by badminton people.
Dick O’Rafferty