The purpose of the Badminton Museum of Ireland is to preserve the great heritage of Irish Badminton and to make the general badminton public aware of it.
The Historical item displays a nicely wide ranging Irish Times report from 1935. Details of the Midland (Leinster) Branch team are given and it is clear that a close match is in prospect. The venue was Sans Souci Hall in Queen's University – a Hall that is no longer in use. It is interesting that The Irish Senior and Junior Close were played at the same week-end and also included handicap events. Elm Park was the venue and is of course also no longer in operation. The pioneering Major McCallum brought a fine team of players to give an Exhibition in Dundalk and the efforts to promote Badminton by the Dundalk and District Association was noted. With the results of league matches given in some detail there was much interest for the ordinary club player. We acknowledge The Irish Times and Peard Collection for this item
The Gallery Item displays the Irish Thomas Cup team that played West Germany in 1964. We were delighted to receive this photo and a number of other interesting items from Bobby Harris who is now living in Australia. The team is extremely well turned out in their Irish Blazers. Noel Henderson is of course the Irish Rugby International.
We are very saddened to hear of the passing of Paddy Lane. She gave a lifetime to the sport in many formats. Born in Northern Ireland but living for many years in Dublin she represented both Ulster and Leinster at Interprovincial Level. She was an absolute stalwart member of Pembroke Badminton Club and for many years served Leinster Branch in many different guises. To those of us who knew Paddy well she was a superb player, a lover of sport, very caring of family and great fun to be with. We offer our sympathies to her husband Paddy daughters Nikki Topping and Holly Connolly and sons Rossa and Barra.
Dick O’Rafferty