The purpose of the Badminton Museum of Ireland is to preserve the great heritage of Irish Badminton and to make the general badminton public aware of it.


Recent contacts through the website indicate that the Museum will act as a research resource in addition to the display of memorabilia. Requests for details of past achievements of Irish Badminton players in a wider context have been received and where possible we will be pleased to help. This assistance will be more complete as the information stored increases.

We are always keen to give a wide spread of items and the historical item gives details of competitive play in Connacht 30 years ago. It is interesting to note the number of open events and the support received from International players. It is good to see that two of our Trustees are featured as winning events.

The Gallery item displays an image of Ireland's team that played West Germany in 1965. As mentioned before it is noticeable that the opportunities for male representation was greater than for the ladies with six men and three ladies on the team. Would this situation have an impact on the development of the ladies game? We have contact from Bobby Harris who is living in Australia giving his support for the Museum. It is sad to report that Sammy Blair passed away a little while ago.

Offers of donations or loans of material are always welcome and contact can be made through the website.

Dick O’Rafferty


This Edition: 15th Of January 2012 | Next Edition 1st Of February 2012
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